Pricing Plans for your Tax Query

Simply choose one of the below Tax Query services and we will respond in 24h by e-mail or WhatsApp on your tax in Brazil query!

Tax Enquiry

  1. For single Product or Service
  2. Consider one HS code product
  3. Consider one service type
  4. For typical sale or export to Brazil
  5. If service need description
  6. Signed-off by Brazilian accountant

Operation Tax

  1. We will analse the full operation
  2. Considering one sale or service
  3. For export to customs to final sale
  4. If service need description
  5. Total tax analises
  6. Signed-off by Brazilian accountant

Business Tax

  1. This is a full business tax footprint
  2. Detail your business
  3. Segment of business needed
  4. Products and Servces offered
  5. Full tax study done
  6. Signed-off by Business Leader